As Principal, I am extremely proud of the many things that combine to make Cowes Enterprise College such a special place. Our motto, ‘Educate for Life’, encapsulates our vision; education prepares us not simply for exams but for life itself and all it presents to us.
Here you will find information regarding admission to Cowes Enterprise College including admissions criteria and information on transition from year 6 to year 7.
All students at Cowes Enterprise College are given the information, guidance and skills needed to make highly effective choices for their future.
Our curriculum is stretching, broad and inclusive and encompasses both the formal timetabled curriculum and the informal learning and development that occurs beyond the timetabled school day.
We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting tours of the academy for Year 11 students on Wednesdays throughout September, October and November at 9am and 5pm. Please click here to view application dates and stages for joining Cowes sixth form.
Crossfield Avenue Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 8HB Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01983 203103
Opening Hours : Monday 8.30am-2.45pm Tuesday 8.30am-2.45pm Wednesday 8.30am-2.45pm Thursday 8.30am-2.45pm Friday 8.30am-2.45pm Total weekly hours for compulsory time pupils will spend in school is 31 hours and 15 minutes.
Principal: Rachel Kitley
Vice Principal: Victoria Wells Vice Principal: Hazel Walker Chair of Governors: Rachel Richards SENCO: Claire Slade-Carter Office Manager: Kira Thorogood
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