Student leadership is driven by our sixth form leadership team, who organise, agree the agenda with students from years 7-11 and chair our school council meetings. We are proud to have been awarded the Yova Silver Award for student voice, which represents our commitment and successes in this important area of academy life. We empower the school council with a budget they can spend to make a difference in the academy so that their words can achieve change. Students explore a wide range of topics including those linked to our academy improvement plan: achieving excellent education, most effective support, exceptional personal development and well run and well organised academy.
We regularly consult with students on our student focused policies, including our uniform, behaviour, safeguarding and bullying policies. We also consult with students when we set our strategy for the academy and the senior leadership team formally meet students every half term to hear their thoughts and views about the academy.
Hustings Event Friday 29th November:
Bob Seely, Conservative MP for the Isle of Wight, commented that it was the best hustings event he had been to in his career, whilst the school enjoyed positive feedback from other delegates.