Academy SENCO: Claire Slade-Carter
Contact details: Email: [email protected] Phone number: 01983 203103
SEND Offer
As a college we are committed to the learning of all of our students. Our SEND offer is comprehensive but includes statutory information:
For more information about the CEC SEND offer please use the link below:
Click link below to view Cowes Enterprise College SEND Offer:
Click here to view School Offer Cowes Enterprise College
Click here to view LA Local Offer
Click here to view SEND Information Report – September 2024
Click here to view the academy’s SEND Policy
Click here to view SEND Contact and Responsibilities
Cowes Enterprise College SEND strategy 2021-2023:
Inclusion – OASIS
Cowes Enterprise College has an excellent Inclusion department co-ordinating provision for children who require additional support with their learning. These students may have learning difficulties, difficulties involving from social, emotional and mental health issues, communication problems or physical disabilities. The Inclusion Department has a strong team of specialist staff who support the students to overcome their difficulties and to ensure that they can achieve their potential. Students’ needs are identified and met wherever possible within the classroom and the use of differentiated resources and strategies are targeted to the individual.
Information is provided for teachers through student passports which are designed to help teachers deliver the curriculum as effectively as possible to all students. We also maintain close links with a wide spectrum of specialist practitioners and external agencies and use their guidance to inform our teaching. The Learning Support team offer a variety of clubs after school and run social skills, life skills and behaviour management groups. The inclusion area has a specific “safe haven” for vulnerable youngsters which is staffed at all times and available before school, at break, and at lunchtime.
Partnership with families is vital and we aim to ensure that parents are fully informed of their child’s progress and positively involved in their learning. The Inclusion Team are passionate about their work and aim to provide a safe, happy environment to enable the youngsters to enjoy their learning and reach their potential academically, emotionally and socially.
For additional information and support please view the SEND PowerPoint for Parents and Carers
Parent Surgeries
We are pleased to offer Parent Surgeries (by phone call) with Claire Slade-Carter our SENCO lead on the last Thursday of every month 3pm-5pm. To book please email or telephone reception on 01983 203103.