Students at Cowes Enterprise College’s Sixth Form recently took part in an island-wide mock trial competition.
The competition involves teams of young people aged 15-18 from schools across the UK presenting opposing sides of specially written criminal cases in real Crown Court buildings. The students take on the role of barristers, witnesses, court staff and jurors, and their performances are judged by real judges and senior barristers.
Cowes Enterprise College students formed two teams and both performed brilliantly. All students involved represented themselves and the academy incredibly well and we are very proud of them.
Thank you to Sixth Form student Jess Claridge-Law for her report below:
On Saturday 10th December two teams from Cowes Enterprise College, Cowes A led by Mrs Wester and Cowes B led by Miss Burnett, competed in the Island-wide Mock Trial competition at the Crown Courts in Newport. The event saw 10 teams from across compete for the 1st place trophy, awarded by the Island’s High Sheriff.
The teams had been given a trial case to analyse, and work upon, with the aim of receiving a guilty, or not guilty verdict from the jury. Cowes B, team prosecution, Jack, Jess, Georgia and Emira, were the first to compete, and won their case against Medina College. Cowes B’s defending team, Ann, Sumaiya, Aneiran ans Maddie, then competed against Medina again, claiming another victory!
It was then Cowes A’s turn to compete, where their prosecution went up against Ryde School. It was an intense trial, however they lost to Ryde in a ‘not guilty’ verdict. Cowes A then faced Ryde Academy, which saw them winning their defending case!
Each student’s performance, in their team, was marked out of 10, in order to generate an overall winner for the Mock Trial Competition.
Out of 10 teams, the Cowes B team won second place- an incredible achievement as the team only came together two weeks before the event!
It was a brilliant day- memories were made, lots of laughs were had and all the students had the most brilliant time!
Well done to Team B- Aneiran S, Jess C-L, Emira L, Georgia M, Maddie R, Sumaiya M, Jacob H-S, Emily T, Amy S, Jack W, Niamh K-P, Louisa Y and Ann K!